my mom’ is 60 yo. had her left thryoid removed on year 2000. on 2009 she was again diagnosed with goiter, was biopsy and found benign. after putting her on levothyroxine for approx 6 mos the ultrasound result proved that her lump grew smaller. was advised not to take that med. her endo monitored her condition . is it true that mom doesnt need surgery coz the lump wont grow big since she is menopaused already. however her ultarsound this month showed the lump grew bigger again and was advised to take FNAB again. was the 2nd biopsy necessary? her endo rely so much on blood tests and ultrasound alone. i read somewhere blood tests may be normal where in fact the patient might be suffering from hypo/hyperthyroidism or other thyroid disease. *blood tests- ft4,tsh irma normal, good cholesterol very low ultrasound results: * dec 29 2009 – enlarged right lobe with complex nodules having suggestively benign features. right lobe: 4.68 x 2,93 x 2.35 cm. complex nodules are noted 1 is isoechoic with central cystic lesion 1.84 x 1.55 x 1.25 cm *june 17 2010 – complex solid nodule right thryoid lobe ( 3 x 2 x 1.8 cm) *feb 23, 2011 – nodular thyroid disease ; large well circumscribed complex solid parenchymal nodule 2.5 x 2.08 x 1.59 cm may 23,2011 – the right thyroid lobe has transformed into a lobulated complex solid nodule 3.19 x 2.11 x 2.08 cm (lenght width thickness)