I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
Fatty liver can be caused by excessive alcohol intake (Alcoholic steato
hepatitis, ASH) or due to excessive fatty food intake and sedentary life style (Non-alcoholic steato hepatitis, NASH). ASH is usually the beginning stages of alcohol induced
liver damage and is completely reversible if the patient refrains from alcohol. NASH is being much more commonly diagnosed currently owing to poor dietary habits and sedentary life styles of people. High caloric intake, high fatty food intake and poor exercise regimens lead to deposition of fat goblets in the liver tissue leading to fatty liver (which shows up as increased echo texture on USG). This is also completely reversible in the initial stages if caloric intake is limited and exercise regimens are adhered to. If left un-checked, patients usually become
obese, diabetic and in final stages may lead to
cirrhosis of the liver which will necessitate a
liver transplant.
In your case, grade 3 infiltration is pretty advanced stage, but by the sound of things you haven't reached the cirrhotic stage yet. I would suggest a healthy diet and exercise regimen. Although there is no time limit on when to get a repeat scan, I would suggest one, once you have succeeded in losing some weight.
Cysts in the
kidney are very common finding on scans of the abdomen. As long as it is not enlarging in size or causing any symptoms, it is a totally normal finding. I would not worry about it.
With regards to your thickened bowel, do you have an umbilical hernia? Or do you have any symptoms associated with your gut? If not, I would again not worry about it.
Hope this helped and please do not hesitate to contact me for further details - rxsuresh@gmail.com