Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. Your mode of injury was significant and your symptoms of non relieving headache,
nausea, forget fullness needs evaluation. You should consult ER as soon as possible. The doctor will evaluate you for dangerous
head injury and advise CT head to rule out presence of skull
bone fracture or brain bleed.
Skull fracture alone is managed by conservative treatment while brain bleed may require surgery if causing pressure on brain.
In your case, good thing is that almost 24 hours have passed and still you are conscious, oriented. It does not rule out dangerous head injury but it decreases the chances of head injury which needs life saving surgery.
At home, you can follow few tips
: Avoid pressure at injury site
: Keep you head at higher level than chest
: Apply icepacks at injury site
: Avoid painkiller which can cause sedation
: You can take painkiller like
Diclofenac sodium after proper prescription
: In case of
vomiting, our head to side
: You can observe other signs of head injury like vomiting, decreasing consciousness, fits, onset of new focal deficit.
: Ask a family member to keep an eye on you. In case of
loss of consciousness or altered behaviour, rush near by hospital.
Hope it will help you. Take care.