I have been waking up with headaches and having numbness in my lips that started out in the mornings. The headaches were relieved with small doses of ibuprofen. I recently had a procedure that required anesthesia and when they checked my O2 sat with the finger thing prior to the procedure, it was 89%. They had me take several deep breaths and moved it to my thumb and after several tries got a reading they were okay with. My HCT never returned to normal since my chemo for breast cancer which ended almost a year ago. I am having back and hip pain. When I told my oncologist about the headaches and lip numbness a couple of weeks ago, he said it was probably just anxiety. I m scared these could all be early signs of metastasis but the oncologist clearly was not concerned. (Breast CA was stage III, HER2+ 3+ overexpressing, metastatic to regional lymph nodes, estrogen & progesteron +, poor response to neoadjunctive chemo with a RCB score of 3.3) I m scared. Should I push to have the symptoms evaluated?