Hi i feel like a prisoner to my home, any little movements my heart beats fast, when I lay down its slow, when I stretch out it goes so slow like a second will go bye for the next beat I don t even have to take my pulse I can feel it it pounds all day this has been going on for 4 months now and it s driving me nuts, I have been diagnosed with gurd I take Prilosec, I m also a combat veteran of this war and have been diagnosed with ptsd, anxiety is horrible so I take one klonopin 1 mg in the mourning and one at night it takes the edge off but does nothing for the irregular heartbeat, I ve never had an irregular heartbeat ive always been in good shape 12 years military. Now I m out due to this its crippling my life, I go to the va they suck its my only health insurance right now, when I left the military I started going to college for my Bach degree didn t go this semester due to this getting worse, at the va I ve had ekg and blood work for my heart, I ask for a heart monitor and they don t want to hear it I ask for a heart monitor they say no need please help with any suggestions, also I ve lost over 30 pound in the last few months