My blood pressure has been on the high side for over a year! Recently high 140's to 158 today systolic, 80 to 85 today diastolic! I am having severe headaches, migraines, very frequently and sometimes lasting days (4-6) at a time! I have suffered with migraines since being a child! I also have arthritis of the spine bottom to top! A few years ago, by way of xray, a doctor told me that the space from base of neck to uppermost is getting very small! That my primary Dr has to keep watch!! He has not! I have been suffering with migraine for 2 days again! All the symptoms, took my AXERT! It helped for a couple hours then back with vengeance! My Dr gave me injections of diladid and tordohl about 3 this afternoon! They eased headache, but not 100% laid down, slept for a few hours only to wake to a severe migraine and symptoms!!! Is it possible that my high blood pressure is causing migraines or playing a part? I am also very dizzy, nausea to point of fighting throwing up, off balance, sensitivity to light, eyes hurting badly and pressure pain over left eye!!! Should I seek medical attention at our local Urgent Care department? Add8tional info, diagnosed Tuesday with influenza and pneumonia! Given Tamiflu, still taking it! I would appreciate any help, advice, info!!