Dr. Panwar, I m absolutely miserable. For the past year (12 months almost to the day) I developed a hissing noise in my right ear. I had been taking some anti-inflammatory meds about 18-mos for a shoulder injury and read that these drugs may have contributed to the problem. Prior to that I was diagnosed with a panic attack and was on Xanax on/off as needed for 3 years. After a year, the hissing is still non-stop. It never goes away--day or night. I have been to two ENT specialists, but nothing they did helped. I went to a doctor specializing in preventative medicine. We drastically changed my diet, started some chiro sessions as well but it didn t help. I have had specialized massage conducted on my neck and head areas (cranial sacrum/drain) but that didn t help. I read on the internet that the noise may actually be coming from the brain and not the ear due to damage or high blood pressure. I had been on Losartan for about 6-mos when the hissing started. Since changing my diet in March by blood pressure is within reason so I do not understand what is going on and/or what else to try. I have also noticed my ability to focus and shortly term memory has been slipping this past year and I seem to have chronic inflammation throughout my body, especially in the legs. Last month, I had my first attack of gout. Not sure if there is any correlation with all these symptoms and/or meds. Any recommendations?