I recently lost my health insurance so I cannot go to the doctors for a couple months I was diagnosed with high blood pressure they said they corrected it so stop treatment, my question is what could the possible diagnosis/problems I could possibly be having with these symptoms below? I m once again seeing black spots and Tinsel(silverish lines) in my eyes tingling in my hands and feet heartburn acid extremely bad headaches turning into migraines and Ive been constantly dizzy following with bad stomach pains and horrible acid/heartburn along with being bloated all the time, also I have extremely bad joint pain I do also have swelling in my legs and hands, recently the swelling has increased more than normal, I am extremely fatigued all the time, I am a Brick/Stone Mason so Im use to my body being extremely sore and swollen a lot but I feel like there is something deeper going on.... hi tried speaking with the doctor who I did see when I had my health insurance and she really didn t listen to what I have to say and really to me didn t seem interested in helping me figure out the actual deeper problem. So I am just wondering what your feelings are on this and what you think is going on with my body and what should I do? Thank you so much Jeremy Wiseman