A year ago, since lowering my weight (over 3 years) by 100 lbs, I stopped taking my cholesterol medicine due to my need to stop taking a Statin medication. I started taking organic shakes that included rice bran soluables (sp?) within the past 8 months, I stopped using the shake on a regular basis and started having voracious cravings for sugary foods again while gaining 50 lbs back. I have a pulsating neck which pumps harder when I am trying to sleep, Due to stress a year ago, I was put back on a high blood pressure medication. I am receiving blood pressure readings now that are higher than normal. Just took mine at 8 PM and it was 159/81. Ill be calling my doctor, but would stopping the statins cause any long-term side effects? Sorry for the novella. Just saw the amount being charged-I think I will just wait for my Doctor to see me. Thanks anyway