Ok, this is for my husband. he is 77 and has had 2 or 3 heart attacks in which he didn t go to the doctors until he had one in the middle of a store one day and he realized he was having a heart attact. Noiw his heart doctor has had a stent put in maybe two. But they tried to put in another stent a year later and they brought him down right away and told us there isn t anything they can do for him because his arteries are clear. The problem is his heart is damaged and they can t fix that becauseit s just been so damaged from those other attacts and he s not pumping enough blood pressure out. so he is on meds. The Dr and the Surgeon agreed this would be theway to go. What I want to know is last month ,he had a couple busy days in a row and then he came dow with a 101. fever, severe chills and in three days he was feeling better . I kept him in bed, to rest. Now the last 3 days have been very busy for us with family and a annual golf outing in very hot weather. we were at a big family party for fathers day, well when He got home he hit the couch and feel asleep. this morning he woke up saying he was freezing again....his temp was 101 again and he has been resting but I took his blood pressure this time and it was98over45 and the se4cond time I took it , it was 97 over 53pulse was 65. what I would like to know, after all this writing. Do these episodes have any thing to do with his heart? or could it be a bug he s picking up....no sore throat or any pain.