The symptoms & information about staying site you are referring to suggest allergic
bronchitis with severe secondary bacterial infection (could be
pneumonia / asthma if you have
You need to:
- Shift away from
charcoal smoke OR start wearing mask to a aid inhaling smoke (to which you seem to be allergic.
- You also need urgent chest physician's care to have a full physical examination & blood &sputum test done along with X ray chest report to assess severity of the condition
- Followed by suitable antibiotic, anti allergic, anti inflammatory (may be
steroid), needful bronchodialater medicines with cough syrup as per your health demands.
- You should take rest, drink warm water, avoid cold/spicy-oily and sour food.
Take cough syrup with warm water. Do hot saline gargles. Wear thick woolen jacket, hot pad to chest if painful. Avoid other known allergens.
You would be alright in a weeks time. please don't panic.
Thank you.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Vasudha Jayant Athavale, General & Family Physician