Hi, to start off I normally have a 5 day period, and on September 7th I had a three day period, that wasn t heavy and away unusually dark and smelled different. I had it shortly after a negative home pregnancy test and figured it was just a weird period. I normally have pretty bad cramps and bloating from the week before my period all the way to a full week after, and this also didn t happen, but I did feel like I had the flu the whole time with out a high fever. I ran about 99 degrees. The symptoms went away after this period, but came back a week or two later and have only gotten worse since. They started out with random pains, and some nausea. Now after that week of bliss I have severe nausea, back ache, head aches, heart burn (which I have never had in my life) a rock hard stomach, have gained six pounds in two weeks (that s never happened before either) am craving random foods that I hardly eat and my sense of smell is heightened. I m also constantly exhausted more than usual, can barely sleep my breasts are so sore, and I m extremely moody. I ve had nothing but negative home pregnancy tests and even a negative blood test but I just feel different. My ob doesn t think I m pregnant but I just feel so different than I have ever felt before. I ve never been pregnant and while I hope I am I can t stand feeling this way and it s not the best time for my fiance and I to be pregnant because the possible due date is really close to our wedding. I would just like some insight as to what could be wrong so I can calm my nerves because I can t wait till I go back on Monday.