I m FtM transgender, and have lost menstrual periods due to naturally high levels of testosterone from the age 16+. In about 12 hours from now, I have an abdominal ( Possibly transvaginal ) ultrasound, I know the focus is my pelvis, reproductive organs. I m confused by the requirements of the prep instructions. Fasting prep - you may have a lowfat meal the night before the exam, but nothing by mouth after midnight, except for a sip of water to take with medications. Exceptions for diabetic patients or special nutritional requirements. *If patient is 1 year old or younger, nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours before exam. If necessary, will allow water or clear juices up to 2 hours before exam, but NOT milk. Bring bottle to feed infants during or after exams.* *If patient is 1 to 4 years old, nothing to eat or drink for 4 hours prior to exam.* *If patient is 5 years or older, nothing to eat or drink for 6 hours before exam.* **If scheduling for PD Cath surgical planning, there is no prep.** I have no idea what they are planning to do to me, but I ve had 3 pelvic ultrasounds (internal and external) and have never had to fast before. The instructions confuse me because it says nothing to eat or drink after midnight, but then it goes on to say that if the patient is 5+ nothing to eat/drink six hours prior to exam.