woman 23 years old overweight (pcos and chronic hives) at 25/9 I found a small painful red lump on my right breast (the place between the breast and the armpit).I found that by the pain I felt .immediately I palpated the lump (the place it was ,was a bit red it was painful ,hard,was not moving under pressure).after 2 days the redness and the pain went away.todayit disapeared and I cant even feel it.yesterday I discovered two others on the right armpit (felt like swollen lymph nodes) and 2 others on the other arm the left one! (they appear, then go away and appear somewhere else quickly even on a single night)additionally I got fever 37.1_37,7°c pain in the joints tiredness but no sneezing no coughing (didn t remind me of the usual flu I get sometimes).went to hospital ,doctor palpated the place she said it did not seem to be a boil/furuncle and I had a blood test in which white blood cells were 12.700 and crp was 1.3.she said she couldn t find the cause but obviously its a lymph nodes problem