After going through your case, there might be possibility of development of sinus with infection of deeper underlying tissue (like bone)
I want to know -
1) Your age, gender.
2) Associated illness like
3) Habits like
4) Presence of fever. Is there is any trauma prior to development of symptoms.
5) Location of hole over leg, any boils over other sites.
6) Total duration of symptoms.
7) Duration of antibiotics taken.
8) Past history of
I would like to advise you to consult your doctor, and get detailed clinical evaluation.
Depending upon there may be need for following investigations-
Complete blood count, kidney and liver function tests.
2) X ray of leg depending on loation.
Ultrasonography or sinuscopy of lesion.
4) Pus culture and sensitivity.
There might be need for Intravenous antibiotics with or without surgical intervention.