Hello. Thank you for writing to us
You seem to have melasma.
Melasma is quite a common problem in skin of color. It presents as patches of pigmentation on face, particularly malar area, dorsum of nose & sometimes on forehead, upper lip and chin as well.
Apart from certain well known causes like pregnancy,
oral contraceptive pills and NSAID's etc the condition is largely idiopathic i.e there is not known cause.
The goal of treatment in melasma is to reduce synthesis of new pigment and to exfoliate already existing pigment.
Sunscreen is an essential part of treatment of melasma.
Ideally a sunscreen should be reapplied every 2-3 hours, specially if you are outdoors.
A sunscreen should be broad spectrum i.e it should have both UV A as well as UV B coverage.
For a sunscreen to be effective it should be applied in recommended quantity i.e 3 ml or approximately 1/2 teaspoon for face and neck.
At night you may use a cream containing one or more of the pigment reducing e.g
kojic acid,
glycolic acid,
hydroquinone, tretinoin etc.
Along with topical treatment you may also opt for a few sessions of glycolic peel from a