I had a surgical abortion yesterday (6 week pregnancy, 4 weeks from conception), and am now having trouble breathing fully. During the procedure I had a panic attack - crying uncontrollably and hyperventilating - but other than that I usually have very good control other my breath. It doesn t feel like an emergency, but I am very aware of the shortness in my breath and my inability to relax my exhale. I have had very little bleeding since the procedure (far less than what could soil 1 pad), at first severe but now only mild cramping, and have had little to no fever. I also had an IUD inserted at the end of the procedure. I am concerned that I may have TSS or maybe my body is just adjusting to the termination or the IUD. I was given 2 antibiotic tablets to have with a meal after my procedure, which I took, and have since been taking ibuprofen to ease the mild cramps. I am wondering if I should be concerned and see a doctor immediately or if it s ok to wait a week or two for my check up.