Thank you for your query
Would you please clarify a few things for me?
1) are you a diabetic on medications or insulin? If so, do you take them as prescribed?
2) How do you know you are hypoglycemic? Do you check your
glucose levels with a glucometer? Or do you have symptoms such as giddiness, vision disturbances,
profuse sweating or palpitations?
3)do you have any other medical issues like
hypertension, heart disease?
4) how old are you? Are you overweight?
Hypoglycemia, whenever present, needs immediate attention, treatment and the causative factor eliminated.
If there are no pre-existing illnesses and you don't take any medication , an increased synthesis of insulin due to an
insulinoma, for instance, need to be ruled out.
On the other hand, if you are a diabetic and are on medications, your medications need to be readjusted to suit you metabolic needs and prevent hypoglycemic episodes which can be life threatening (the main fuel for the brain is glucose).
Curbing your hunger and eating healthy is possible. Select foods rich in
proteins (sprouts, nuts, ) and fiber (whole grains, for instance) which will release energy slowly and consistently. Sometimes thirst can signal as hunger. Try drinking some water to see if the feeling of hunger is curbed.
If not, you might actually need to eat a more nutritious meal that satiated as well as helps control your sugars
I recommend seeing your physician and a nutritionist who can advice you on your diet based on your height, weight and metabolic needs. Try to eat the required calories throughout the day instead of just three times a day.
The trick is to eat before you feel hungry. Every two to three hours, have a snack and during your main meals, don't overeat. His helps with losing weight, regulating sugars and maintains energy levels
Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
Wish you good health