I am a 28yr old female with no notable medical hx besides csection x2, obesity x 3 years, and knee surgery. I have been a regular drinker and smoker (except during pregnancies - i have a 2 and 1 year old) and even in the last 4-6 months have beej drinking as much as a bottle of wine a night and 1/2-1 pack cigarettes a day. That was up until about 2-3 weeks ago when i suddenly had strong distate for both, at first i was worried i was pregnant but that is false. Im happy to not be wanting to drink or smoke as those are very unhealthy habits that i had been trying to abstain from anyway, but to go from drinking and smoking as much as i was to not wanting either is extremely peculiar. I have also been more tired and fatigued, i look at my son often and the thought of picking him up is exhausting. I havent noted any weight loss, just changes in appetite. Ive experienced intermittent nausea and diarrhea. My maternal grandpa had pancreatic cancer at age 69, it was stage iv when they caught it. My paternal grandma had breast cancer in her 70s and passed from that. I know i need lab work done and i would like for my pcp to order some imaging studies as well, perhaps a ct abd & pelvis and/or abd & pelvic ultrasound. What are your thoughts?