Thank you for your query.
To relief hemorrhoid symptoms you should stick to the following diet and life style modifications:
Increase the amount of fiber in your diet along with adequate intake of fluids. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds. You can also add fiber supplements in your diet up to 30 gr per day. Fibers with fluids soften stools and decrease the strain during bowel movement and make it easy to pass.
Exercise regularly to stimulate your bowel movement.
Use toilet as soon as you feel the urge without waiting. You can make a habit to use certain time of the day to sit on the toilet for
regular bowel movements. But avoid prolonged sitting or straining.
Try a warm water sitting bath (sitz bath) every day after each bowel movements for about 20 minutes.
For symptomatic relief of pain and itchiness you can effectively use Tucks Medicated Witch Hazel Hemorrhoidal Pads.
I hope all of the above mentioned will help you to relief the symptoms. If you have persistent pain despite conservative treatment or prolapsed
internal hemorrhoids, surgery is the only way of the treatment. The
surgical treatment varies from minimally invasive (such as
rubber band ligation) to traditional incision hemorrhoidectomy.
I hope I have answered your question. Please, feel free to ask me more in HCM if there is anything else you need to know.
Thank you,