Hello. For the last three months i have experieced some abnormalities in my menstrual cycle. In December 2015, I experienced PMS but only a very light period, almost like spotting. In January 2016, I have a very prolonged (about 9 days) period, very heavy and with clots. Now, this month, again, PMS but no period. I am not experiencing any other female related issues; certainly not pregnant; no pelvic pain, ect. I have, however, have been going through a tremendous amount of stress since about July 2015, when my brother unexpectedly passed away. Before that, I already had a few stressors. As such, I am afraid to go to my practitioners if these cycle changes or only stress related. But then on the other hand, I don t won t to sit on something serious. This is so unusual for me because my cycles have always be heavy, but very regular in both length and frequency. This is the first time that I have ever experience these type changes of this magnitude.