Thanks for posting your query to Healthcaremagic.
I need to know one small information . Is poor function noticed only in Left kidney ( which is less likely ) or it is seen in both kidneys.
Kidney dysfunction is common in Diabetic patients but that will affect both the kidneys to same extent. But in your father in law case only Left kidney is affected. The possible causes are :
1. Infection of left Kidney.
2. Impacted Stone in Left Kidney.
3. Obstruction to blood supply to left Kidney.
He needs to undergo certain tests to know the cause of his problem as some of these problems are treatable and can restore his kidney to normal function.
I advise you to get MR Angiogram of his kidney and revert back to me with reports or consult an
Urologist for this. Also let me know his recent
Serum Creatinine report which will help me to know his Kidney function so that what further needs to be done can be advised.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarifications feel free to ask .