Hi doctor, I am 24 years old, unmarried. I am having irregular periods due to minor fybroids. But my doctor said it will overcome with the medicines. My periods are always delayed because of this fybroids problem. It happened earlier that I have missed my periods for 1 or 2 or 3 months because of fybroids. Recently, I have missed my period since 2 n half months. I had unprotected sex with my partner on 6th May. As I have missed my period since 2 n half months, I have done pregnancy test four times but results were all negative. Yesterday also I have tested again and the result is again negative. I went to a doctor today. She prescribed me to take Deviry tablet for 5 days twice a day then asked me to wait for 2 weeks for getting my periods. I need your help to know that after my 2 n half months missed period and 4 negative pregnancy tests, is there still any possibility of being pregnant? Plz help me out with you suitable answer of my question.