Dear Doctor,
I had this itching problem all over the body since last 7 months now. Doctors have termed it as Urticaria. I am yet to visit
my recent doctor after my blood, urine and stool report. My Stool report is fine. The urine shows S.G as 1.030 ,
proteins(30mg/Dl)Presence of epithelial cells and presence of calcium oxalate.In the blood tests, the differential% leukocyte
counts (Lymphocytes are 40.70%) and differential absolute leukocyte counts is 3.20 thou/mm3). The blood picture shows that
there is mild lymphocytosis. Kindly advise that is there some serious issue or can i be cured by medication. Do i need to
visit a skin specialist or is it a different issue.This is the first time i am getting this kind of allergy in my whole
lifetime and there is no genetic history associated.My current medications are Allegra 180 mg( my lifeline, if i dont have
it, i have itching all over the body), Ralzal and Microderm.