Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
First of all remember a simple dictum of any treatment and ''cure '' in particular.
Cure is possible for any disease like this only if the causative factors are kept under control.
In your case I would start with these suggestions:::
-First of all learn to keep the area well aerated. This is most important- can be done by using loose underwear and pants.
-Secondly avoid hot and humid places. They increase the seating and provide a nurturing medium for the fungi.
-Thirdly- whenever possible keep the area clean with plain water, make it dry by
cotton cloth or a hair dryer.
-You can apply liquid
povidone locally half hour before bath.
-Lastly Medicines: Anti-fungal tablets and local applications and should not be in combination.
_ Get blood sugar checked and see that you are not suffering from any general disease, if yes- get them treated well if you want a cure.
If you follow this stringently, then only it is possible to have a cure.