Hello, I am a 19 year old, 140-lb, 6 0, male. I have had this condition for about a year now. At night time, particularly before I go to bed, I get this itch in the area between the anus and the testicles (so this would be the perineum). This results in a strong urge to stratch the area, and it s quite difficult to resist. I went to a doctor and told him of my condition and he gave it a look, and said that he does not believe it is a yeast infection. He recommended something to me, but I can t exactly remember what it is he recommended me. I never get this itch during the day, it is only at night. I have also noticed that the skin in the perineum is dry as a result of the scratching. I see some small dead skin flakes when I go to change underwear. There is no blood. I consider myself very hygienic, as I wash my hands before meals, I shower daily, and I wash after using the bathroom. However, my diet isn t exactly great, as it is low in fiber. I did some research, and found that pinworms was a possible cause of this. If I could get some over the counter treatment, that would be great. I would prefer not to go to the doctor, because this is an embarrassing issue. But if I ultimately have to in order to solve this, then I will.