currently I have been doing to the bathroom excessively, have little appetite, been taking in very little food, have a constant belly ache, and abnormal bowel movements (pretty loose, sometimes water, sometimes coated in white mucus, and even passed fleshy bloody pieces a couple days ago it does have an unpleasant oder as well).I was diagnosed with IBS a while ago and dont know if this is what is going on, just a bad flair up or if this is something else. This started last friday, and has only gotten worse. I havent eaten anything different and have a pretty restricts diet. The pain last night was bad enough i was unable to sleep. It make it so I dont want to even move, just sit in a hunched over ball. Ive even lost like 4 or so lbs this week. What should I do? I am not one to take meds usually. I thought at first it was just a stomach bug, but it just keeps going on and on and im pretty uncomfortable.