I am shivakumar my father name is d.chenveeraiah s/o. d.Bakkaiah, Aroor Village, Sadasivpet Mandal,Medak Dist.A.P.(India). my father suffering liver cancer problem. all hospital going but not improve. hyderabad indo-american cancer institute & research medical report details given below: SEROLOGY/IMMUNOLOGY TEST RESULT HIV I&II Ab(ECLIA) : Non-Reactive HbsAg(ECLIA) : POSITIVE HCV Ab(ELISA) : Non-Reactive METHOD: ELISA - ENZYME LINKED IMMUNOADSORBENT ASSAY ECLIA - ELECTROCHEMILUMINES IMMUNO ASSAY Dr. BHAVANI ESHWARAGARI, MICROBIOLOGIST. sir the above report see it my father report. CT SCAN OF ABDOMEN (ORAL & CONTRAST) Liver: Heterogenous irregular ill defined mass lession diffusely involving the right lobe of liver, & having 9.1 x6.2cms exophytic heterogeneous solid element seen (segment VIII,VII,VI,V) few irregular hyperdensities noted with in it (? bleed). The exophytic component seen to be reaching lower lobe of right lung. On post contrast delayed sectin is showing heterogenous enhancement. GB: Physiologically distended and shows normal wall thickness. No calculi or pericholecystic peripancreatic collections or pancreatic calcifications. Spleen is enlarged in size. No focal lesion seen. Kidneys: Normal in size and density . No focal lesion seen. They show normal post contrast concentrationand excreation. no calculi. no hydronephrosis. Urinary Bladder: Well distended with normal wall thickness. No culculi or diverticulae . Prostate: Normal is size and density. Aorta and IVC are normal. There is no evidence of any abdominal adenopathy or ascites. The small and large bowel loops are normal to the extent visualized. Appendix is not visualized. No evidence of any inflammatory pathology or loculated colllection in the right iliac fossa. IMPRESSION: HETEROGENEOUS ENHANCING HEPATIC MASS WITH? INTERNAL BLEED, S/O NEOPLASTIC ETIOLOGY(?HEPATECELLULAR)- SPLEENOMEGALY. ADV: FNAC Dr. Harish chander reddy. Radiologist. the above report is my father ; TUMOR MARKERS TEST RESULT REFERENCE RANGE Serum AFP 549.5 UPTO 10 IU/ml Method ECLIA Men & Non- preganant women and KIM hospital ULTRSOUND GUIDED FNAC REPORT: FINDINGS: Ultrasound guided FNAC of mass lesion in the right lobe of liver was performed under local anaesthesia with all aspeptic precautions. procedure was performed with 22G needle. Procedure was uneventful and tolerated well by the patient. ? esophageal candidias s please any treatment in ayurvedic medicine. help me sir.. sir my father all report sending for liver cancer reports any medicin and ayruvedic medicin i wainting for your replay my mail id : YYYY@YYYY , YYYY@YYYY