Hi, I am a 57 year old female. Previously, I have had 4 surgeries: 1. Total Hysterectomy / due to fibroids 11/08 2. Rectocele cystocele and vaginal Vault repair 6/09 - wrong mesh and procedure used 3. same surgery redone 12/09 4. Colonoscopy 3/10 - no polyps found normal 5. In 2012 - sutures were found in scar tissue 6. In 2013 - Bladder check / emptied 7. Celibate for two and a half years 8. In April 2015 - partner - no std s, However I found out he was a Meth user 9. Problems after 1st encounter - Irritation, itching, smell like ammonia - 1 mo down time, and again foul odor very pungent until we stopped sex in 3/16 10. Currently, I am experiencing slight odor when voiding, bright red blood, spotting - nurse practitioner GYN - said back posterior wall had a polyp - she cauterized 2x s so far Yesterday, bowel movements was formed but loose toilet bowl was red looking like blood. Had red kool-aid earlier never happened before , again moments ago but not as dark. Finally, since the spotting, I have had lower abdominal discomfort on going. The spotting stopped along w/ the discomfort for 3 days last week. Now, it has started back along with spotting. I m SCARED !! New Insurance carrier HUMANA PPO/Medicare