i had an pacemaker implant in 2001, aortic and mitral valve relacement in 1983 and gall bladder operation in 1993.now i have developed lower abdomen pain with enlargement of liver(haemoglobin 10gm/dl,rbc count 3.66mil/cmm,inr 2.14,sgot 64iu/l,alkaline phospatase 354iu/l,bilurubbin total 1.63mg/dlsgpt 50 iu/l bilurubin direct .69mg/dl indirect bilurubin .94 mg/dl,serum amalase 147u/l,creatinine 1.3 mg/dl medicines i am taking now 1)udiliv 300mg twice daily,rablet d once at morn.creone 10000 2 tbs.daily.Unfortnately,after 10 days,i could not get any relief . persistent pain in the centre and right side of abdomen is causing enormous discomfort to me .seeking your advice
m.k.nath.(68 years) email YYYY@YYYY
best regards.