Can understand your concern..
As per your complain and explanation of symptoms it seems that you have an erupting wisdom tooth and as you have a hard lump it is the sign of infection and inflammation..
As your wisdom tooth is erupting there can be inflammation of the gum flap present over it and it occurs either due to
injury to the flap by the upper jaw tooth or it can be due to food and bacteria lodgement between the flap and tooth leading to infection and inflammation and lump is the sign of inflammation..
I would suggest you to
consult a dentist and get evaluated and get an
x ray done and in case the wisdom tooth is impacted ( it means the wisdom tooth is obstructed by the bone or adjacent tooth either due to lack of space or deviated position of tooth and will not erupt itself) you should get it extracted followed by antibiotics and painkillers..
In case it will erupt completely removal of gum flap (Operculectomy) followed by antibiotics and painkillers will help..
Tickling in throat can also be due to wisdom tooth problem..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.