Noted your history about having lump on throat on the right side, pain, taken different antibiotics,
TSH is normal, Doctor suggested for esophageal transit and
thyroid echo.
Since the blood counts are normal infection may not be the cause of your symptoms.
Hence the cause has to be found out.
The commonest cause of such lump on right side of neck are one of hte following:
Lymph node enlargement.
Right lobe thyroid problem.
Carotid body tumor and so on.
This can be easily diagnosed by an appropriate investigations.
Ultrasound and color doppler examination.
FNAC that is fine needle cytology if indicated.
To be correlated with clinical picture.
Once a proper diagnosis is made the treatment will be specific as per the cause thus found.
Consult the Specialist as per the possible diagnosis to have further evaluation and appropriate management.
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. T. Chandrakant, ENT & General Surgeon