3 years ago I got a birth control inplant in my left arm. The doctor placed it medial to the humerus. After time it moved closer to the medial epicondyle (approx. 1,2 cm from it) . It was very Un comfortable and started to cause pain. At some point I thought the implant would be pressed out if my skin when exercising.
I took it out 6months after the three years period was over. I did that in London,where I live now. They told me it could be dangerous having it where I had it, and gave me an emergency appointment to remove it. They replaced the new implant further medial, posterior and more superior to the humerus.
The problem is that even though it's around three months since I took it out, its still hurting. I don't have to do anything, and it just starts to hurt. I can also feel a lump under my skin around that area with the size of three peas.
Can you help to me explain what that might be?
Thank you