I have been with a man 18 years older than me for 8 years, I will call him B. We have both been married twice before. I had something terribly traumatic happen in my last marriage, which left me having to start over again financially. This man, B was introduced to me by a mutual friend. He lived about 2 hours away. He started coming to my town to see me more and more and eventually we rented a house together. My home sold during that time, so needing to regroup I felt renting something was a good idea. However 3 1/2 years into living together, about 6 1/2 years ago, I found out he was never divorced, but separated for 15 years and shared a home with her in name only, paid her bills, etc. eventually the wife filed for divorce, where he lied about me in court to try to get out of losing his pension and retirement. He said on the stand that I was just a dying woman who he felt sorry for. That was how he acknowledged the money he was spending on our life together. I found out right before his divorce was final and when he had to pay her over 1 million dollars and give her the house. Then he proceeded to break up with me because I caused him to lose all that money and he needed a break. We were apart for two years, but during those two years he bad mouthed me to get sympathy from mutual friends and aquaintences in my town. He led people to believe I was with him for his money, which couldn t have been further from the truth. I felt betrayed by him and the mutual friend who knew he was married. I fell in love with B before discovering his marital status. It has been very difficult for me to move on. I don t know why. My ex husband invested my money without permission and triple margined the money. I was seeing the end of college tuitions for my 3 kids at the time and finally looking forward to traveling, etc. I went from having hundreds of thousands of dollars to zero dollars over night. I couldn t trust him and divorced him, but was left tremendously hurt and tried to recover from the terrible set-back. I was working very hard to support myself, and beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, when this man B was introduced to me. I said I wasn t interested in a relationship, but this friend never stopped trying and eventually he was invited to a party I was at, and the rest is miserable history. I recently discovered from someone else that B who tells me constantly that he loves me, that he made a mistake leaving me and wants to live with me again, wants to be with me so I can pay him back the money he spent when we were living together. I paid many of our bills during that time, so I don t know what this is all about. But I feel like I m in a bad movie and the worst nightmare. Worst of all this is a small upscale community where I raised my children and I was always well respected, so now I just can t trust anyone. How do I find the strength to move on from all of this betrayal and pain?