Hi! I m Michelle...I have a very important question to ask... My dad has been diagnosed with Metastatic Basal Cell Carcinoma. 3 weeks ago he went thru surgery to take out an enormous mass under his left arm and in his back. He still has a mass around the main nerve running into his arm from chest. It is very rare for basal cell to get into the nodes but it happens. My father is attending Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany, Ga. They have very good doctors but none have ever dealt with this rare cancer. They want to just amputate and follow with trmts of radiation and chemotherapy. Without he will surely die, with it he still can die if it goes to his lungs. His doctors talk of a guy in San Francisco who has developed a new pill/med that fights metastatic basal cell carcinoma but I haven t recieved much more info on that. Now, my question to you, please help me help my father by telling me that you have someone or KNOW of a specialist who HAS dealt with this type of cancer or atleast you could help me find someone. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Michelle Odum Georgia