Hello dear
I understand your concerns
Migraine require proper medicine by consulting internal medicine specialist.
Vomiting is due to migraine auto only.
Hello dear,
Following are the treatment of your problem:
1. Pain relieving medication:
- first use:Ibuprufen 500 mg three times a day or you can use aspirin or acetaminophen
- If not responds, you can use
sumatriptan, combination of ergots and caffine
- In resistance case you can use opioids and glucocorticoids like prednisolone
domperidone for vomiting, take small frequent meal,
- You can put ice pack on head.
Stay hydrated, eat health diet.
Life style changes should be done as below
Enough sleep, Muscle relaxation exercise, keep headache diary: Identify trigger factor and which treatment is effective
Alternate therapy:
Acupuncture therapy
Massage and music therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy
Vitamin B-2 and CO Q can be useful in relieving pain.
Hope this may help you.
Best regards
Dr. Sagar