I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns..
As per your complain fever with sores in mouth seems to be due either viral infection or can also be due to
allergic reaction to any medication if you have taken any for relieving infection, fever or vomiting..
The most probable cause seems to be viral infection..
You should consult a physician and get evaluated and a blood investigation can be done to rule out for infection and treatment can be done accordingly..
For viral infection anti-viral medication like
Acyclovir can be given..
For fever he can be advised to take Tylenol.
If there is vomiting again you can take
If there is pain in mouth sores you can apply a numbing gel containing Lignocaine..
Gargle with 1:1 solution of
benadryl and
milk of magnesia..
Suck on ice pops.
Drink plenty of water and avoid spicy food..
Take ample of rest..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards.
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.