Welcome to Healthcaremagic. I am a
pediatrician and am glad to help.
It is possible that by doing much coughing this is making her throat sore. Although a temperature of 100.3 is not a
high fever, Tylenol will not only reduce her fever, but it will also help to relieve throat pain.
If she is doing her usual activities-walking, running, acts like she knows who you are, and is not vomiting or dehydrated- then her illness is not severe. But you must see that she doesn't become dehydrated. Try giving your daughter Popsicles, Jello, yogurt mixed with a small portion of jam. If she refuses to take any fluids, then try again in 15-20 minutes,
It would be most unusual if your infant had
Strep throat. So I do not recommend she have a
throat culture. More than likely she has a viral
upper respiratory infection which usually lasts 3-4 days.
I hope that I have helped you. Please return if you have additional questions.
Arnold Zedd, MD, FAAP