I have suffered from nasal congestion my entire life. There are times when my sinuses simply constrict and I become a mouth-breather. I use a CPAP machine for sleeping. But, that treats my diagnosed apnea. It allows me to breathe normally through my mouth while I sleep by forcing my windpipe-and to a much lesser extent-my nasal passages to remain open. However, it doesn t really force my nasal passages open. I have used Neosynephrine or sometimes saline solutions for decades. And the Neo will raise blood pressure. I already take medication for high blood pressure. If I lower my head so that my face is parallel to the ground, blood seems to fill my head, my nasal passages constrict to almost total blockage, and I certainly become a mouth breather. I also have a deviated septum. My right nasal passage is a little wider than my left one. The silver lining-if that is what it is for me-isthat my nose structure is such that fortunately, hardened mucus polyps collect into tiny chambers at the top of my nose, somewhat out of the way of the main air chambers. But this also means that I must use tissues to literally pry them painfully lose from the tissue walls, and dig them out. That is no easy task. This inability to really feel properly ventilated has affected the quality of my life for decades. What treatment-if any-do you recommend?