Hello - I have been taking adderall 20mg XR for 3 years off an on, and every day for the last 6 months. I am currently trying to conceive, and in the last 2 days I ve noticed that I m suddenly getting sick when my adderall kicks in - I have nausea, bad headache, and trouble keeping down food. Eating makes the nausea worse, but helps the headache. I m currently 9 days past ovulation. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. Is it possible that early pregnancy is somehow causing me to get sick on my medication? I m going to not take it tomorrow to see if that helps - but I d like to stop entirely if there s a medical explanation about why I may suddenly be getting sick if not pregnant? I ve never experienced this before. I m 41, and this is my second pregnancy (Miscarriage earlier this year, when I was not taking any medication). So, I m just hypersensitive to making sure I don t do anything to put a potential baby in jeopardy.