You are having nausea and
vomiting from last 6 months , these symptoms may be due to these reasons, these include;
1 The first possibility is of
Peptic ulcer disease or
Hiatus hernia. Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I
endoscopy. Try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches with blocks. It also might help to avoid eating or drinking for 2 -3 hours before you lie down.To control stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or eat chocolates or spicy or greasy foods . Also take some antacid along Ocella ( two hours gape , must be between these two drugs).
But if symptoms are severe as may be in your case I advise my patient to take REGAMIPIDE 100 mg 2 tablets twice in day on EMPTY stomach for 3-6 months and complete cure.
2 The next reason of such symptoms may be due to over eating , so please take care about that also.
3 In your case one more reason may be TENSION ( stress or
anxiety ) of day to day life , if such , please be careful also.
Deal as mentioned above.
Hope this will help you.