Hello. On April 11, 2015 I fell off of some steps that wasn t properly installed. I started to experience pain in my left shoulder all the way down to my hand. I also noticed that it looks like my muscle is split in half and I have also started to experience pain in my neck, my shoulder plank, and my shoulder socket. I went to the nearest E.R. and they told me that I had a ruptured tendon and that I had to see an Orthopedic surgeon. I didn t have any insurance or Medicaid at the time so I could not go see one until a month later. I recently took some MRI s which it has been 2 months later. I can hardly lift my arm , but the doctor told me that my tendons looks fine , but I need physical therapy because I have tendinitis. Does tendinitis suppose to do you like this, or do I need a second opinion?