I have a question in regards to the services you provide. My boyfriend is 27 years old who suffers from an unknown or maybe really rare condition? We have gone everywhere here in the valley and they turn him away due to being a complicated case . He does suffer from dystonia in his neck and the Dr. he last seen applied botox in his brow to help keep his eyes from involunterily closing and gave him a dosage of the drug nuvigil to try. Is there anything or anywhere that he can be recommended to, we are backed up against a wall at this point of time because we just dont know where to go from here. His symptoms are: eyes closing involunterily, sleeps alot throughout the day (he goes to bed around 10 or 11pm), body becomes paralyzed but hes fully awake, when this happens, his face is also paralyzed and is really hard for him to talk. From the research that I have found, he has many of the same symptoms of cataplexy. He is afraid of working or doing everyday stuff such as driving, traveling, and going to school because he doesnt want to become paralyzed or his eyes closing.