You will not get any relief by staying frustrated. Instead proper measures to handle the situation will bring you out if chaos. In a person with normal appetite, digestion,
metabolism, excretion and activity and good food habits the semen gets nourishment in 49 days approx. as per Ayurveda's scientific principles. If above factors are not normal you have to correct these first.
As per principles of ayurveda, RAS, 'rakta', Maans.....upto Shukra - the semen, there are seven elements ( Dhatus).
Some general herbs like white
Musli and purified konch seed powder may be started with hot milk initially till you supply complete details of your medical history to get professional fine tips.
Once your Shukra strengthens, all your woes will go. Psychological strength may be achieved by satvic food, deep breathing and
meditation. Ayurveda has dedicated section on vajikaran i.e. aphrodisiacs to correct such problems unlike in allopathy which considers it only seminal fluid.
Hope it helps.