hi, how to overcome non-alcoholic fatty liver disease? Candida infestation is very prominent (medications work only for a very short time before irritation and discharge comes back), so is flatulence and excess weight in the trunk area (BMI 30, need to loose weight but struggling to make an impact with a diet). Reproductive system is also effected, re-occurring polyps in the fallopian tube. All this havoc goes on in the female body. Recently started to introduce more green vegetables in the diet. Minimizing on carbs (no sugar but moderate fruit intake). Very recent blood work showed very low vitamin D levels (taking fat soluble high dose of 20 000 UTV x 5 within a period of a year, taken in 1st dose 3 weeks ago), barely reaching 30% of the lower required margin. Weighting for thyroid antibody blood test results, T3 and T4 test were within the ranges. Thyroid endoscopy showed no nods in the thyroid but the gland surface uneven slightly. Liver endoscopy showed fatty cells in the liver but the coutures even. Other symptoms are tingling/ itching of the right shoulder after meals, sometimes feeling tugging sensation in the front right side under the rib-cage. I have no tolerance for coffee. Also, I have been reading upon ketonic diet and started to go for regular walks, consume ginger, garlic and turmeric. What else can be done to reverse the liver and loose excess weight? Many thanks, for an anwer.