Hi. Two months ago I underwent a dental filling of right 2 lower molars ( no extractions). After 24 hours my right cheek, lip, and tongue were still frozen. Within 48 hours only the right side ( to the tip ) of my tongue was still very numb, and was by now starting to burn. This burning and numbness of the same tongue area has continued to date, unabated. My dentist ( an oral surgeon ) claimed that I had bitten the right side of the tongue shortly after his dental filling. Odd, as I never noted any bleeding. But he could see the external injury, which he described as a compression injury. Herpes invaded the initial wound site, and I was given an anti viral drug. The herpes cleared up well. I was later given Oracort Paste. Presently the dentist can see a slight 'ripple' at the original injury site. The same symtoms continue without a reduction in discomfort level ( burning, numbness, altered taste ). Tongue feels swollen, but dentist says it appears normal in all aspects, aside from said ripple. He claims I have a compression injury to the Lingual Nerve. Is this so? I'm going mad with discomfort. He claims it should self resolve in 6 months. He tried me on Lyrica but I couldn't tolerate the sideaffects. He has now suggested Lyrica 12.5mg twice per day. I would appreciate your opinion please. I am a police officer and find this to worse than any other injury that has befallen me. I must be able function effectively. Thank you.