Can understand your concern..
As per your complain
oral thrush or
Candidiasis is a
fungal infection and is characterized by formation of thick white cheesy patches over the surface of the tongue and it can also involve other mucous membranes like inner surface of lips,cheeks, gums etc..
It can lead to dryness of mouth and burning sensation, foul taste in mouth,difficulty in swallowing and dryness and irritation in throat..
Thrush can occur due to a number of reasons like Stress, certain medications like Lone term intake of antibiotics,steroids and birth control pills, Radiotherapy, Diabetes,pregnancy,HIV, cancer,dry mouth, smoking denture wearing etc..
As in your case it is recurrent and is not getting cured there must be a chance that the underlying cause is not being treated leading to ineffectiveness of the antifungal medicines..
You should consult your doctor and get evaluated for the underlying cause that is leading to thrush..
Once the cause will be removed the antifungal medicines will perform better leading to healing..
For treatment of Thrush Antifungal medicines like
Fluconazole or
itraconazole is given orally to the patients..
Nystatin mouth washes are recommended..
In resistant cases
Amphotericin B is given orally when patient is immuno compromised and does not respond to other drugs..
Eat frequently Probiotics like Yoghurt in diet and add garlic in diet frequently..
Avoid stress and smoking or drinking habit if you do..
Maintain a good
oral hygiene, use a soft tooth brush to brush your teeth and salt water gargles should be done but avoid antimicrobial mouthwashes..
Hope this information helps..
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Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora.