Hello ! I can understand your situation . Such conditions could get really frustrating to handle ! I would like to ask you a few questions first ,
1. Did you undergo a
rehabilitation program after all your surgeries ?
2. Are you doing any sort of exercises currently ?
3. Are there any other symptoms like buckling of the knee etc ?
4. Has the doctor cleared you of damage to the operated structures ?
Pain could come from overloading weak muscles , and thereby the internal structures and not always from some actual tissue damage . Swelling which has recently developed could suggest inflammation around the joint . A physio evaluation could help to know what conservative treatment options are available .
Your physio could help you with reducing the inflammation , thereby reducing the pain , strengthen your muscles , build up proprioceptive function of the joint and thus prevent recurrence. Joint taping , electrical modalities and exercises are generally advocated.
Without trying to give a diagnosis (since I haven't evaluated you ), I would always suggest that a well structured rehabilitation program , concentrating on muscle strength , range of motion of the joint , and thereafter exercises to build up the joint
proprioception .
Do get yourself evaluated by a physio as well . Tc.