Can understand your concern..
As per your complain pain and swelling after trauma occurs as a result of injury to the soft tissues leading to inflammation as swelling and pain are signs of inflammation..
At times there can be damage to small blood vessels leading to
Hematoma formation and the Hematoma gets localized and encapsulated by inflammatory cells and hypertrophy of fibrous tissue that gets accumulated at trauma site the forming a hard stable lump..
Numbness occurs due to trauma to the nerve fibers in that area leading to
Paresthesia of nerve..
The swelling and pain will subside gradually but the numbness can take from days to weeks and even months to years to recover with full function but commonly complete recovery takes place..
You should do alternate warm and cold compress over the area for faster healing..
Ibuprofen which is OTC medication for pain and inflammation..
Apply Thrombophob gel over the lump as it contains
Heparin Sodium and helps in faster resolution of the lump..
In case of pain numbing gel containing Lignocaine can be applied..
Hope this information helps..
Thanks and regards..
D.Honey Nandwani Arora..