Hello, I m an 18 year old female living in Canada. I m 5 5 and 145 pounds. I ve been experiencing a sharp pain in my left breast for over 3 months now. For the first 3 weeks the pain felt more on the surface of the breast, like in the skin; But after that the pain has transferred what feels to be deeper and deeper into my breast. For the past month it has felt very deep in my chest. Sometimes, I even experience it across my whole chest, and sometimes, right in the middle of my chest. I haven t been really active lately, so I am highly doubtful of some sort of muscle strain. I also have been on birth control for 2 years now, and have been smoking for those 2 years, up until a month into when the chest pain began. The pain comes and goes. It can last from under a minute, to 5 minutes, occurring anywhere from 1-10 times a day. It happens at least once a day. Nothing seems to trigger it, it comes randomly, though the pain does becomes stronger when breathing deeply. I m wanting to know what possible things it could be. I ve been doing some research, and thankfully, it appears that sharp pain in a breast is not associated with breast cancer. Though I am worried about the fact that I ve been smoking cigarettes while on my birth control pill (Brand: Apri 28). I ve heard that has some nasty consequences. I ve been smoking for about 3 years, smoking about 1/2 a pack per day. I would also like to mention that there is a coarse hair that grows out of my areola on that breast, that I pluck whenever I notice it. It doesn t grow out from the skin around my areola, it grows from my areola. On the pink part. Just thought I should add that as well since I thought that was a bit unusual. It grows from the same place every time, and that has been the ONLY hair. Please get back to me ASAP. thank you for your time.